Here are a few rough i did at Disney to try and land a job on the Dumbo sequel Disney was planning to do and did start it was being directed by Robert Ramirez a fine talent and at the helm of Story was Burny Mattison who has worked At Disney Studios for well over 50 years he has worked with many of the best at Disney.I must say it was a pleasure to work with them and many other great talents on that project Including Caroline Cruikshank great animator,on this project she was lending her talents to storyboarding,Then what a privilege to have the critiques and additional help in design and boarding of the legendary Joe Grant he too a long time Disney talent and many others.Well needless to say i did get the opprtunity to work with them on this project, though it never did finally come to fruition it was great fun to work on those classic characters. These drawings i believe did land me that position.
I did Story boards and Charter Designs for it. I'll be posting some of the drawings i did here,Enjoy but please rember these are copyrighted to there respected companies so dont copy or distribute in any form thanks.